• Getting to the heart of dual career dilemmas

  • Making shared decisions

  • Nurturing an OUR mindset



I’m Yvonne. I am the career and program advisor at the World Bank Group Family Network.  In the course of my work and research, I see the anger and frustration that highly educated accompanying spouses feel at the loss of their careers. I am part of a dual career couple; I walk in my clients’ shoes. Experience and research show that conversations about career prioritization are often neglected by the couple. This question typically arises with the arrival of a new baby or an international move. Whatever the disruptor, the tendency is to focus our conversations on the practicalities, and inadvertently one career takes precedence over the other.  Get to the heart of the matter - how do we co-create a fulfilling life for US


The CARE Code - The Key to Co-creating a Fulfilling Life

The first step to making any situation work is talking about it.  Often the frenzy of demanding careers and the logistics of family life, with children and pets, overshadow the simmering tug-of-war of 2 careers, opportunities to relocate internationally or the promotion of a lifetime.  But this will upend life for your partner and family. Is there a way out of this maze?

Yes. It begins with you and your partner having conversations. Use the CARE Code as your conversational road map.


How to have CARE Conversations

Follow the CARE Code to help you have constructive conversations with your partner.

Begin by:

  • Leaving criticism outside

  • Showing appreciation for each other

  • Listening well and do not interrupt

  • Working together to make it happen

Try it and be surprised!

See what others are saying!

  • How can you have complementary not competitive career trajectories?

  • Can we have it all – two careers and children?

  • How come I don’t practice my teambuilding skills at home?
